De Glimlach
The Atrium that does it all — Design & Build
The school campus, with its pavilion-style buildings, needed a new masterplan to rezone part of the grounds for commercial use, promoting future expansion and campus connectivity.
The innovative design introduces a compact, multi-level structure centered around the "kindergarten village," providing a secure and nurturing environment. Kindergarten classrooms encircle a central atrium, offering oversight and easy access to the playground, which connects to the main atrium.
This main atrium serves as a central hub, linking learning landscapes for primary grades, administrative areas, and sports facilities. It enhances the school's interconnectedness and extends the learning spaces.
A standout feature is the grand void with tiered seating, serving multifunctional purposes for performances and events while offering students a retreat for individual work or informal gatherings. Ultimately, the atrium becomes the vibrant heart of the school, fostering learning, relaxation, and social interaction in an inspiring environment.

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