A bright new future for a cherished location — Design & Build
The site of the Nekkersdal Community Center in Laken is being completely renovated. The confusing network of buildings, corridors, and undefined interstitial spaces in which the Community Center was organized is being replaced by an intuitive and navigable community campus, which also makes room for high-quality (urban) green outdoor space.
A central axis, running across the site, not only connects Schildknechtstraat and Bockstaellaan but also gives all actors in the Nekkersdal story a clear presence on the campus. The new community campus consists of repurposed and new buildings. The ground floor of the stately mansion along Bockstaellaan will become a cultural café, and the industrial warehouses will be converted into multifunctional meeting spaces, where young and old can meet. The theater and the youth library will be housed in two efficient new buildings, with the building for the youth library becoming the face of the community campus on the side of Schildknechtstraat..

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